Monday, July 1, 2019

The Collector Who Inspired Me To Paint The 4 Seasons! 🌿🍁❄️🌷

This is a Collector Spotlight that I've been dying to share!!

Let me tell you a story....

The 4 Seasons concept started with an email from a soon-to-be collector, Jon Stowe...

He had bought a lake home a couple of years before, and had spent months remodeling it. There was a long wall in the formal dining room where 4 mirrors had previously hung, so it was divided up into 4 sections.

He thought it would be perfect to hang 4 pieces of art, each showing one of the seasons. It would make the divided wall look intentional, and bring it all together! 

Jon Googled "Aspen Tree Art" and guess who popped up?! 

He sent me an email, seeing if I had any prints available.

Now, I have always enjoyed painting the different seasons…. and I loved the concept! However, I didn't have FOUR of the Seasons available in Giclée Prints...

I was just about to email him back the bad news, but right before I pressed SEND, I decided to take one last look through my Giclées...

(I have over 150 Giclées in my catalog, so it took more than a few minutes!)

I was delighted to discover that I had painted a certain scene THREE times, in each of the different seasons, with nearly the same exact tree formations. This landscape came from my own imagination, and by SHEER INSPIRATIONI had created it in a Spring, Summer and Fall! The only one missing was Winter. I couldn't believe it!

I wrote Jon back, explaining that YES, I could give him the 4 seasons, but I would just have to paint an original of Winter first…(more on that later. That is a story in itself!)

He was thrilled!

Jon ordered the new 4 Seasons Giclées, and after hanging them in his formal dining room, he sent me some photos of the room with this note…

"Jen, Attached is a photo of our lake home dining room with your magnificent paintings. They have added a real WOW factor to the room and everyone who has seen them is impressed with both the paintings and the story behind them. Thank you so much!" 
 Jon S.

His dining room turned out so cool! I was thrilled with how it worked out (See Photos Here)! And now, I have 4 Seasons that I can offer to YOU! 

What's your favorite season??? Why choose, when you can have ALL FOUR!



PS - I might be crazy, but For a Limited Time I'm Giving you 3 Seasons for FREE! I'm not sure how long I'll be able to do this…but for right now, you can Get THREE Seasons absolutely FREEwhen you buy just one!!! Check out the offer at:

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