Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Tribute to my Dad, Dennis Richardson 2/26/2019 ❤️

Dear Dad,

I'm so grateful to have had you as my Dad! How lucky we were! I remember my friends complaining about their Dads, and how they were never really involved in their lives…and me thinking how opposite my situation was. I would actually complain to them how my Dad was a little too involved! Hah!

No matter how busy you were, you always found time for family! Those Saturday one on one "daddy-daughter dates" were really special. You were a very active Dad, taking us on bike rides, camping, teaching us to snow and water ski, how to play tennis. I remember you waking me up at 5 am to go jogging before early morning seminary! Now, as a parent myself, I think how remarkable that really was. You were the epitome of self-discipline and I see that character trait reflected in each of your children.

You took pride in us not being "girly girls" but strong, capable women. There was nothing we could not do. And we believed that. Whatever our dreams were, you helped us actualize them. There was never anything we couldn't do if we put our minds to it. You taught us that. If I wanted to learn to fly an airplane, you were willing to help me reach that goal. If I wanted to earn money, you would brainstorm with ideas of how to make that possible. From teaching piano lessons to selling flower arrangements, you always encouraged me. If Val and I wanted to run for student government, we knew you would help us campaign and that it would be the best campaign Crater had ever seen! You were a marketing genius. We thought you the smartest Dad around!

I always appreciated how you much you supported my art. I'll never forget the time when you surprised me by flying out to my first one-person show at the Scera Theater in Orem, UT, and even bought a painting of your grandson for full price! And this was after you had paid for my college degree in art!

To the world you were a Politician—the republican who would go on the radio or T.V. to debate the tough issues that no one else would talk about! You never backed down on your beliefs. You were known for your integrity, such a rare trait for politicians (or anyone for that matter!) You were Oregon's Secretary of State—the first republican to get elected since the 70's! What a miraculous feat that was. I'm so proud of you. There's no other Republican that could have done it! You were courageous. Despite the odds, you went out and did the impossible! Election day will forever be imbedded in my memory as one of the BEST DAYS EVER!

Here are just a few of your "Dadisms" that we'll always remember:

•Courage—Always do the hard things
•Live life with no regrets
•You are what you do when no one is watching
•Mind over Matter
•Cry in a Pillow
•Nobody gets out of here alive!
•You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink!
•Everyone wants to go to heaven but nobody wants to die!

Thank you for everything Dad. You taught us so much by your words and example. I couldn't be prouder. We love you and will always miss you! ❤️❤️❤️


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